肯德里克物業管理公司管理著先鋒谷的 25 個公寓協會。從 3 個單元復合體到 108 個單元。我們提供卓越的 在管理和維護方面,我們的公寓協會得到了受託人的高度讚揚。
請參閱以下有關公寓問卷的說明 和 6D 請求:
向 Kendrick 物業管理公司支付 50.00 美元的費用(現金、支票、MO)
6D 認證:
提交完成 6D 申請表
將您的付款提交給 Kendrick 物業管理(請參閱定價表格)
Are You Sure We Have Your Contact Information?
In the event of changes to your contact information, or ownership status, or if Kendrick Property Management (KPM) has recently assumed management of your association, kindly adhere to the instructions outlined below:
Please complete this survey so we can add your contact information to our records.
Your cooperation in updating this information is crucial to ensuring seamless communication and efficient management. Should you require any assistance or have queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team at condo@kendrickmanagement.com.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
由 Kendrick Property Management 管理的公寓:
Anonymous Communication
Residents of Associations managed by Kendrick Property Management can anonymously submit feedback or raise issues for their respective associations to review. To do so, they may reach out to KPM through email, phone, Buildium, or by filling out one of our contact forms. Don't worry, anonymous is a fine name to use when filling out the form. We will take these concerns to the association ourselves. We will make sure no identifying information is revealed. We will also reach back out with the response we received after raising the resident's anonymous communication.
Kendrick Property Management / T 413.253.0285 / F 413.253.2383 / kpm@kendrickmanagement.com