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Salem Place Condominium

Salem Place Condominiums, an expansive residential complex, encompasses a total of 62 units, exemplifying a harmonious blend of residential and commercial spaces. Within this distinguished development, the association manages 45 residential units characterized by a combination of townhouse and garden-style residences. Additionally, the property features a distinctive historic landmark building at its entrance, housing the remaining 17 units exclusively designated for commercial purposes.

This thoughtfully structured composition reflects a balanced integration of residential and commercial elements within the Salem Place Condominiums community. The residential units, characterized by their townhouse and garden-style configurations, offer a diverse array of living options. Simultaneously, the historic landmark building at the property's entrance hosts 17 commercial spaces, adding a unique dimension to the complex and contributing to its overall character and functionality. The synergy between these components establishes Salem Place Condominiums as a comprehensive and dynamic living and business environment.

Salem Place Condominium Association Hadley Massachusetts
Para obtener calcomanías de estacionamiento, visite nuestra oficina en 2 Bay Road, Suite 100, Hadley, MA. Registro y registro de vehículos. Se requiere copia del contrato de arrendamiento (si es inquilino).

Información de la Asociación de Condominios

Escritura maestra
Enmienda a los estatutos
Reglas y regulaciones
Formulario de nuevo propietario
Consentimiento para el alquiler
Consentimiento de Salem Place para mascotas
Procedimiento de remoción de nieve
Formulario demográfico de la unidad

Annual Meeting Minutes

Reunión Anual 2018
Reunión Anual 2019
Reunión Anual 2022
Insurance Agent
For Master Insurance Policy documents/questions, please contact:

Borawski Insurance
88 King Street, Northampton, Ma 01060
(413) 586-5011
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